September 29, 2008

Maintaining Box Braids

My box braids are still in and I feel that I am actually going to be able to keep them in until November :o) - I decided to do a little pre-month - update (October 14th will actually be one month wearing these box braids). I have noticed some shrinkage due to washing, but overall they still look pretty good.

I haven't done too much to them since they have been in. I have been keeping them in a small bun. I have noticed that I am able to wear it in a lower bun - not quite in the middle of the back of my head but almost there - without having to tuck in any short braids. I don't know if that is a sign that my hair is growing or the braids just getting old and loose.

At night I take down my bun and put my braids in a loose ponytail, then cover with a satin scarf. About once a week I add a little bit of moisturizer - mostly shea butter- by rubbing my hands together with about a quarter size amount of moisturizer between them and distributing the moisturizer throughout the braids. Then I put the braids back in my bun and go :o)

After I wash my braids I let them air dry, and when they are still damp I add about the same amount of moisturizer, maybe just a little more so I can make sure I put extra on the ends and put them in a ponytail - this actually helps with the shrinkage as well. While my hair is damp, moisturized and in the ponytail I put on my satin scarf until it is dry and this helps with frizziness.

Well, that's all for now. I will update once my box braid style is one month old.

Peace and Blessings

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