This is the
result of two-strand twists that I wore for one week. I washed and conditioned, then added a leave-in (Suave coconut conditioner mixed with
Castor oil) and twisted on wet hair. I wore my twists in a bun for the entire week. Before unraveling, I co-washed my two-strand twists and let dry over night.
1st week pics
Since I wore my two-strands in a pulled back bun for a week - I stretched the front of my hair which resulted in the twist pattern straightening, so I used a headband to smooth back the hair that was not in the two-strand twist pattern.
Back of 1st week

I moisturized with shea butter about three times a week and wore a satin cap at night. I re-twisted about seven twists mid-week - just re-wetting and twisting.
Side/back of 2
nd week twist-out

Closer look at top of 2
nd week twist-out

Back of 2
nd week twist-out

I plan on washing on the weekend - I wont re-twist any during this week because I want the twist pattern to swell and expand - which will make it easier to
Peace and Blessings :o)