January 02, 2009

Nappy New Year! - Short Update

Okay I am really close to my 3-month date - wearing these box braids. My hair is super frizzy as well. It really doesn't look like braids at all unless you are up close :o) I'm still undecided on what I want to replace the braids though. I plan on taking them down sometime next weekend. So hopefully I will have made my decision by then.

Stay tuned...

Peace and Blessings


Natural Hair Rules!!! said...

Nappy New Year! Are you transitioning with braids?


Carmennc said...

Hello and thank you for stopping by my blog. How do I follow this blog?

Laquita said...

@Naturally Beautifully Me - I hope you saw my comment on your blog - thanks again, for stopping by ;o)

@Carmennc - I am going to put that follow - thingy up in a sec. Thanks :o)

Tiffany said...

Thanks so much for commenting on my blog and deciding to follow! I am also natural and I'm always wondering what to do next hahaha right now its a fro...tomorrow may be locs...who knows!

Happy blogging!